FAQ About Starting A Podcast

Adelaide the Italian Greyhound
5 min readJun 21, 2021

Starting a podcast can be a very exciting time for you, your brand or company with so many options and possibilities. Sometimes having so many options however can also be overwhelming. What kind of a podcast should I start? Should I interview guests or be a solo host? How frequent should the episodes be? Do I need to have a sponsor to get started?

We’re going to answer some frequently asked questions we’ve received from aspiring podcasters and debunk any myths about podcasting that might be stopping you from getting started.

1. Do I need to have expensive equipment to get started in podcasting?

No. While a professional quality microphone will give you the best sound, if you’re not fully committed to starting your podcast, we’d suggest using a voice recorder app on your phone as an accessible option. If you are looking to upgrade after that, there are decent microphones that plug right into your computer and cost around $150 and of course go up in cost from there.

2. The pressure of weekly episodes is stopping me from starting a podcast. Do podcasts have to be uploaded every week?

No. While The Iggy Parents is a weekly show, there are many that upload on a bi-weekly, monthly or sporadic basis. If the pressure of having to create content every week is scaring you away from hosting a podcast, you don’t need to put that pressure on yourself. Many podcasts also go through seasons, where they upload on a regular schedule but take breaks for weeks or months. It is all up to the podcaster to decide.

3. I don’t have any sponsors or promotion. Can I start a podcast with no listeners?

Yes! Even without an established brand or identity online, social media is a great way to reach new audiences and to get started building your podcast community. You don’t need any advertising to get started. Podcasts are free for listeners, and other than the cost of equipment and editing software, it is also free for you to upload.

4. I’m afraid I won’t have enough to talk about. Can I start a podcast even if I don’t have enough ideas?

Yes. If you think of your podcast like any social media platform, let your inspiration come from anywhere. Not every podcast requires research or expert interviews. So many podcast episode topics come from personal experience which just requires your own life experience. If you are passionate about your topic, there will always be something new to say or a new angle to approach it. Your podcast is your unique view and voice. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel.

5. I’m self conscious about speaking on a microphone. Can I still start a podcast?

Yes! Just like anything, practice makes perfect. You don’t have to be a professionally trained broadcaster to start a podcast. As trained actors and singers, we might know more than the average person however there are many resources available online to find simple vocal exercises to get you prepared to speak into a microphone. Just like an actor, rehearse it! *Hint: We’ll be giving some of our own tips during The Iggy Parents’ podcast challenge!

6. Is it difficult to get your podcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify?

Yes and no. In The Iggy Parents podcast challenge we are going to explain how to get your podcast distributed to most platforms through a podcast host. For the purposes of our challenge we will be focussing getting launched through a host that will distribute to Spotify however getting onto Apple Podcasts requires an extra step. We will discuss this however it will be longer than the first 5 days of our challenge to allow time for the extra steps.

7. I want to do an interview show but don’t have any guests yet. Can I still start a podcast?

Yes. With the help of social media, you’ll be able to connect more easily with potential guests. If your desired expert guest is microphone shy, there’s always the option of receiving written answers to questions and reading them aloud.

8. I don’t have any editing software. Can I still start a podcast?

Yes. While having editing software will help, through some podcast hosts you can record and edit directly through their app.

9. I want a co-host but don’t know how to find one. Can I start a podcast?

Yes. If you are waiting to find a co-host, it’s still possible to start planning for your podcast and even record a pilot or a couple episodes before finding your co-host. Having a clear idea of what you’re going to do will help you to better pitch your podcast ideas to a potential co-host.

10. I’m intimidated to do a podcast episode that’s longer than 20 minutes. Do my episodes have to be a certain length?

No. Choose your own adventure. Just like with frequency of episodes, the length is also entirely up to you. If you feel an episode is too long, you could spread it over two parts. If your episode feels too short it could be a mini-episode or just let it be unique. You are the driver of your podcast and you decide where it’s going to go.

11. Does my podcast have to fall under the category of solo, co-hosted, news, interviews etc?

No, it can be outside the box. While many podcasts fall under traditional formats and styles, it doesn’t mean that yours has to follow those rules. Some of our favourite podcasts are unique. Meditation and children’s stories are audio experiences that lend themselves towards something auditory like a podcast. The nature of a meditation or story is that even if you listen to it more than once, the enjoyment might be different for the listener every time. This has the added benefit that an episode can be listened to over and over.

Whether you have a clear vision for your podcast or not, there’s no harm in dreaming up possibilities. Podcasts are such a creative way to have your story told and in a very personal way. While people may “like” your posts and spend a few moments watching your latest videos, a podcast captures attention for much longer. They can be a great tool for any brand or business who is looking to grow community. Social media will also in turn help you to foster community surrounding your podcast as well. We started our podcast almost one year ago and only wish we’d started sooner. Episodes have led to real conversations, new friendships and important information that affects our everyday life with our dogs. We wouldn’t change any of that for the world.



Adelaide the Italian Greyhound

Adelaide is the Italian Greyhound owned by Jess and Ryan (the real authors of these articles). We hope these articles shed light on what Iggy ownership is like.