Adelaide’s Top 5 Italian Greyhounds on Instagram

Adelaide the Italian Greyhound
8 min readMay 25, 2020

Starting a series here to acknowledge Adelaide’s top 5 picks when it comes to all aspects of life. This week we’ll kick off the series by sharing our top 5 picks for favorite Italian Greyhounds on Instagram and we’ll explain why. Disclaimer: We’re by no means saying that any sweet pup on Instagram is better than any other…we have so many amazing friends online and are always impressed by what we see. We just wanted to highlight a few accounts to share our love for them with you! And I’m sure there will certainly be more to come. Stay tuned for Top 5 trainers, Top 5 toys, Top 5 brands and more. When it comes to other topics… this is just from our experience so far. If you have any suggestions or recommendations out there for us, let us know! Adelaide is an eager girl and always excited to try new things.

So without further ado…let’s get started — Adelaide’s Top 5 Iggy Accounts!

First up is none other than the fabulous and super sweet, Honey the Iggy.

Honey the Iggy (12.3K Followers, Instagram)

WHY? She’s photogenic, athletic and knows how to rock a tennis ball earring.

You can find this sweet lady on Instagram @honeytheiggy and newly found on TikTok — be sure to check out her videos there! We’re not sure exactly when we started following Honey, but we’ve been fans for a while. We were first drawn by her beautiful light colouring (technically fawn but looks to us like a golden brown), perfectly fitting for her name. After following Honey for a little while we realized, not only is this dog super photogenic (seriously check out those pics) but she is extremely athletic. Honey has some impressive frisbee skills and we just wish we had a backyard like hers to play in. Or, better yet, a plane ticket to Oslo, Norway, to play with her in person. She looks amazing in action or in her signature photo with a frisbee around her neck and pink tongue hanging out.

You may know her from a photo that went viral or maybe it’s the amazing sunglasses she wears so elegantly on the tip of her nose. Her most recent epic photo was a recreation for the Getty Museum challenge where people have been recreating paintings by using things from around the house during quarantine. Honey did a superb version of Johannes Vermeer’s “Girl with a Pearl Earring” (1665) where she had a tennis ball earring.

We picked Honey as a top pick because whether it’s an impressive video or a gorgeous photo, we look forward to every post. Keep up the amazing work, Honey. You inspire doggo’s all around the world to up their frisbee game and look fierce during the down time.

Next up on our list is a bit of a duo: Iggy Joey and her little shadow, Anna Banana

Iggy Joey (79.6K followers, Instagram) and Anna Banana (4900+ followers, Instagram)

WHY? Supermodel looks and hilarious sister rivalry.

We may be a little biased since these sisters live in Toronto, but with approximately 85K followers between the two of them (@iggyjoey and @iamelegantswan), their amazing pawsonalities and fashion sense are undeniable. Iggy Joey, arguably one of the most famous iggies on instagram, may be the very first Italian greyhound we found online besides Kermit ( Jenna Marbles’s iggy) and Frisbee ( Seth Meyer’s iggy). Mom found an old photo of Joey she had posted in 2017 for a contest with Offleash Studio even before Adelaide was born! It was destined that we would be fans.

Iggy Joey is probably best known for her fierce model looks. She knows how to work a camera and rock any outfit. Last year a photo of her wearing a Britney Spears-inspired red jumpsuit was featured on a tee from Zara (mom bought one of course). Both Joey and Anna can be seen sporting Canada Pooch dog apparel or snuggling up under a blanket from Hudson’s Bay Company. You might even spot Iggy Joey in an ad for Mercedes Benz. These sisters know how to perform for the camera and make the #soiggyithurts lifestyle seem so cool. They’re such a power duo and truly aspirational.

Now fame is cool, but that’s not the only reason Iggy Joey and Anna Banana worked their way into our hearts. We are fortunate here in Toronto to have a thriving Italian Greyhound community and we’ve had the honour to hang with Joey and Anna in person! Sure, Anna claims to live in Joey’s shadow, but we truly think she’s the secret MVP. Every hero needs a side kick! The most wonderful thing for us about little Anna is that she and Adelaide are truly twins. Sometimes mom or dad will be scrolling through instagram and momentarily mistake photos of Anna for Adelaide. They are both very small, seal coloured with little white booties and tips of the tail. They also both have a little crazy playful energy and definitely complement each other in both looks and personality.

To top it all off, both Joey and Anna have great online personas and their sibling rivalry as seen on social mediak is hilarious. Whether they’re fighting over Ryder the Samoyed or fighting for the spotlight, we love following their posts because you’re bound to get a good chuckle. We simply couldn’t have a top 5 iggy pick without including this duo.

Now to cross the pond and visit…

Siggy the Iggy (17.4K followers, Instagram)

WHY? She’s ambitious, photogenic and kind.

Another account we’ve been following for a while is Sigrid (Siggy) the Iggy (@siggytheiggy) from London, UK. She’s larger than Adelaide in size but still very slender and gorgeous of course. A talented model for her mom’s photo studio, we love to see Siggy’s updates. Recently, her mom started a Vlog and we have enjoyed the first episodes. We love an ambitious dog and with Siggy’s mom’s photography/video skills, we’re excited to see where she goes.

A really fun tip we can relate to is to have your dog supported by fluffy blankets in their photo shoots. Siggy is often sitting on a little fluffy bed of blankets when her mom takes photos of her. If you want to learn more, definitely check out her Vlog on YouTube.

Siggy is also amazing for her kind heart. She is always looking out for the underdog and coming up with creative ways to help out. Currently she’s got a fundraiser alongside her friends Sharky the Whippet and Lolly the Whippet to help raise awareness and funds for “Candy Cane Rescue”. The “Longdog Lotto” is open to UK residents only so if you’re in the UK, be sure to check that out before June 15th 2020. It’s a beautiful thing to see dogs helping other dogs.

Next up we have another pair of sisters…

Little Dears (1,100+ followers, Instagram)

WHY? They’re champions and sweet sisters.

Willa and Alydar are two gorgeous sisters that are both dear to our hearts and also appear to be part deer. Not only are they gorgeous but they are show dogs, both holding champion titles (Willa — Champion Windwater Wilhelmina Beast, and Alydar — American Champion/Canadian Grand Champion Rythm’s Front Runner). We don’t know much about the world of dog shows (future blog post to come on that topic) however we can see from their stunning looks and grace, how these beautiful girls are champions.

We love to see their sisterly bond whether they’re cozying up beside each other or standing side by side in a fierce photo shoot from Good Wolf Studio. These girls are not afraid of a stylish outfit or posing for the camera.

We are fortunate to have these little dears pretty close to home and have had the chance to meet at our Toronto Iggies Society meet ups and Canadian Pet Expo (they just happened to be there for a show!). We have a family connection both between our dogs and humans. Ryan and Mackenzie grew up together and looking back, Ryan actually briefly met Willa as a puppy long before Jess or Adelaide were even in the picture. Our dogs have a connection because of our breeder Shalane at LadyDay Kennels. It seems the Italian Greyhound community is even smaller than you think. We were so happy to have a connection with Little Dears because they have been so helpful for advice. Through them, we look forward to hearing more about dog shows and learning all about it from the experts (and champions).

Last but not least is our pick for “up and coming” new puppy…

Iggy Boey (2500+ followers, Instagram

WHY? Up and coming and cute to boot.

Little Boey, a true blue Italian greyhound, wins the award for best “up and coming” iggy puppy because he is playful, supportive and takes an amazing photo (or at least mom and dad do!). Boey is new on the scene but certainly knows how to make an impression. From Cape Town, South Africa, Boey was born January 12th 2020. While he is currently 5 months old, he’s growing into a strapping young lad.

We love to see his action shots where he gracefully chases his humans or jumps on their bed. You can really see his playful attitude through all of the photographs. We’ve noticed Boey especially because he is very supportive on social media, always writing the best comments, participating in challenges and spreading the love.

We were so excited to meet via Instagram Live a couple of weeks ago even if he was ready for bed because of the time zone difference. Boey’s killer action shots and great personality have gathered him an Instagram following already and it’s no question that he’s a little star in the making! We can’t wait to see where you go!

As you can see, it’s not all about your following, your likes, and your posts. We’ve noticed these iggies for so much more than that. Of course, every iggy is special. We have been so impressed by these accounts for documenting their pups’ lives in unique ways. Whether it’s your first day on doggy Instagram or 5th year, I think there is always something new to learn about your dog and always a new friend to make. Keep inspiring out there. We are watching and loving every minute of it

Originally published at on May 25, 2020.



Adelaide the Italian Greyhound

Adelaide is the Italian Greyhound owned by Jess and Ryan (the real authors of these articles). We hope these articles shed light on what Iggy ownership is like.